Sunday, October 9, 2011


We made blue cheese burgers... mmm!  I bought 80/20 ground beef - using beef with more fat makes the burgers tastier, and less dry... and animal fat is good for you!  We lathered them with blue cheese, a little wasabi mayo from Trader Joe's, a little bbq sauce, lettuce, and tomatoes.  I ended up using half a bun - the bottom part.  Just a little bread on a burger is SOOO good, but I don't want the fullness, or the badness of two buns, so I do one :)  Then we also made homemade garlic fries.  I cut up potatoes, tossed them with EVOO, smokey salt (from Trader Joe's), and minced garlic.  Dessert is  from my Primal Blueprint cookbook: Walnut Meal Brownies.  They're actually pretty good! Here's the recipe:

Walnut Meal Brownies
1 3/4 C walnut meal (purchased or ground in a food processor)
3/4 C cocoa powder
1 1/2 t baking powder
1 1/2 t baking soda
1/2 t fine sea salt
2 lg eggs (room temperature)
1 C coconut milk (room temperature)
1/2 C honey or maple syrup
2 t vanilla 
1/3 cup extra virgin coconut oil, gently melted (I'm out, so I used butter)
1/4 C chopped walnuts for topping (optional)... **and I didn't use**
Butter for greasing pan 

-Preheat oven to 350F.
-Butter a 13x9.
-In a medium bowl, mix together dry ingredients until well blended.  Set aside.
-In a small bowl, whisk eggs, coconut milk, honey or maple syrup.  Add melted coconut oil, and whisk until completely blended.
-Add wet mixture to dry ingredients and whisk well; be sure to scrape sides and bowl bottom so no pockets of dry ingredients remain.  Batter will be thinner consistency than conventional brownies.  Pour batter into prepared pans.
-If desired, sprinkle chopped walnuts on top of batter.  Bake 35 to 40 minutes.  Cool completely before cutting.

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