Sunday, July 27, 2008


Madeline is starting to walk so much! She started walking three weeks ago but it is finally really starting to take off. She's on the brink of walking more than she is crawling - yay!
She is also really into wearing necklaces. She has three that she won't take off - the only time that they come off is when I take them off! She's very much an accessory girl!

Here are a bunch of different pics from this month - Fourth of July, backyard with da-da, wagon with Nolan, feeding the ducks, and of course a picture with all the beautiful necklaces.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This afternoon

Today Madeline (for the first time) tried to feed her baby doll with her spoon. It was too funny! I can't believe how fast she is changing! She seems more like a toddler and less like a baby everyday! She also started copying almost every word I say to her. She pointed to a spoon, so I said "spoon" and she said "poon." Love it! What a smart little cookie!