Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Omg chicken, kale salad, and kale chips

I've made the OMG chicken before-the one from Pinterest. It's really good. We tried out the kale salad tonight and even though we didn't have pancetta or radicchio, it was still at hit. We had left over kale so I made kale chips with that-tossed in coconut oil and salt. There were no leftovers!

Asian Salmon with Oven-Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Oh, it was SO GOOD!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

SE Asian Fried Rice

Dinner last night was delish! It was time consuming, but I don't mind. You make time for the things you love, and I love to cook. I haven't blogged my dinners in amost a year. I'm not making any commitments to say I'm back in the saddle because clearly I can't commit to blog, (this is the third time I've started it up), but I'll give it a good effort. It's a new year and a good time to try to form good habits. At least I have a good excuse if I fall behind - they are 5, 3, and (almost) 7 months. So here goes: