Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our trip to California

Here's the start to our fabulous trip to southern California! Madeline eating breakfast in the back of the car on the way to the airport.Madeline and daddy playing in the water. It was foggy every morning. It didn't warm up until just before lunch time.
She wasn't a huge fan of going in, the water was a little cold.

It was really pretty, and good waves. There were several surfers around.
Mommy and me.
I like this one!
Not sure what I did to the camera to get it to turn blue for the next few shots...
Walking up the beach.

Day of the wedding (we went to Cali for Brent's wedding - a friend from college). Daddy was in the wedding - getting pics taken, so we walked around the church and found this handy playground.
Through the tunnel.
They gave out these fun fans with the programs.
Madeline hitting the dance floor - started with the "lay down and show my diaper dance."
Ok, time to stand up and dance.
She found a friend. I'm not sure it was a mutual friendship - I think she was bugging the girl.
She wouldn't stop touching her.
Brent and Katie Hiebert.
The Holts.
On to Sea World. We got to pet the manta rays!
Then we went to the whale show.
It was pretty impressive! Daddy is such a good photographer!
Madeline and Joey waiting for the dolphin show to start.
One of the trainers with the dolphins.
Can you see the dolphin touching the flag? They could jump so high!
Madeline showing me the starfish.
She loved Sea World even more than I thought she would.
Madeline and Joey running in the grass.
I couldn't go on Atlantis since I'm pregnant, but neither could the 2 year olds, so I got to stay with them. I waited and waited to get a picture of them coming down the water slide, but I took it too soon :(
Natalie, Jake, Matt, and the 3 older boys on the ride.

We had a great time!


Amy's Adventures said...

Looks like you had fun :)

Michelle said...


How funny, Bailey did the EXACT same thing at the wedding we went to! The "lay down and show my diaper dance"! So random!!