Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm a little behind...

Here are some more pics from the pumpkin patch we went to with my family in Canby, which I don't recommend :( Hoffman Dairy Farms... they did have lots of exotic animals to look at though, which was interesting... but I thought that I was at a pumpkin patch, not a zoo... hmm...

Madeline LOVES to pretend she's either sleeping and cuddling with LOTS of blankets, or acting like a newborn with her binky, or a combination of both... see the pics! What a silly monkey!


ryanjess said...

I love the new pictures! Hope you are doing well...we will have to meet up when we are home next month!

ryanjess said...

We will be home on the 22nd of Dec.-Jan. 1st...so we will have to figure out a time and place that will work to meet up! Taylor will be the same age that Madeline was last year when I first got to meet her! It will be fun to have the girls play together! Did you hear that Lindsey is having a girl!?!