Thursday, April 23, 2009

Big News!

We're pregnant! 6 weeks, 5 days. Please pray for this baby. We've really struggled to get to this point - a year of trying and two miscarriages. We are feeling optimistic however - with the miscarriages, they were both before 6 weeks, so we never saw the baby's heartbeat... we saw this precious baby's heartbeat yesterday! Thank you for your support!

Here are some pics from Madeline's bday :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Pics

Here are a bunch of pictures from the last few weeks...Madeline's bday party at Stroller Strides - cookies, juice and friends.
Madeline could have cared less about the cookie, she wanted the juice.

Smile :)

On to Easter - I really needed to take more pics... sometimes I'm so bad about remembering.

What's in there?

We are re-doing our kitchen! Out come the cabinets!

Here is the NEW pantry, new - because we never even had one before!

The old ones - almost out.

Here's the one to the left of the sink - excuse the mess!

Ok - so here's where we put the pantry - it was just a cabinet before.

Madeline and Harris.

Great smile Harris!


Binky smile.

New flip flops!

Madeline loves her helmet, knee pads and elbow pads!